Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Romeo and Juliet – Arranged Marriages at SPA

How would I feel when? I would feel like not right because I should be able to marry how I want with someone telly that I can’t married them. And if you don't like them that suck because you not the one marry them and you were not the one that had out out with the person. I would talk to her and see why she don’t want me to married the person? I don’t think why she would even have a issues because she might be my parent but if you care about your child you should you want the best for your children and if you want the best for you children you should talk to the person to see why she want to married you kid and she he be there for her until death and sickness.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Romeo and Juliet – Conflict in Verona and San Diego

The conflicts that would happened today would be that family would fight because they don't like each other. And some parts of the world would get married at a young age. And some people would love other people even thought that don't know that there going to have a crash on them. Some time there parents might not want them to get married with out there wish. The three examples are: That when they fight that is might start with the son then that family might get in it. Romeo was mood around because he want to see the girl that he is in love with but he dose know about Julita. The king was through a party and one of the family was not going because they had round the peace.

Romeo and Juliet - Control or Fate?

I think that people can control their own destinies. If they have a choice to do something they have to choose to do or leave it behind. Death is our unavoidable fate. Romeo and Juliet wanted to get married against their parents' wishes.  They did want to let there parents to tell them what to do and they did want to hear people out. And they broke the law and married unwisely against there parent’s wishes.

I used the dictionary online to help me complete this. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

SPA Prom 2011

Prom was a fun time but it could been better if it was long. We got there a little behind after when were exposed to get there. I had left a little bite early because I had a hair Paramount and it talk a little bite to get down there. When I goth there I was all a little bite scary because time magnet. When were heading back to the campus and there was traffic I was all ready a little be hind on time. And so when I got to the campus I only had a couples mints to get ready then I went to go get someone next door then we walk out. Then the boys had meet up with there date then every body got on the bus then we were on own away. Then when we got there we had to walk to a little bite then we take a couple picture. Then we walk about and then start to dance it was fun then on the away home there was a little drama. But there was not drama while we were there.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Romeo & Juliet Before Paragraph

The only thing I know about Romeo & Juliet, drama, and/or Shakespeare is that you have to go through the step to have a play. And you have to make sure that you know informant about what are you doing.You have to make sure that you have a place where to have the play at and make sure you have a enough people to do it. You have to make sure that you have a place where to have to set up.

Shakespeare Introduction Paragraph

My focus question was what do you know about Shakespeare?
. Shakespeare was born Born April 23 1564 .
. Married at the age 18.
.he died 1660 at the age 62.
These title was important because I did know anything about him until I read about him in class. And it going to be fun play writes and act it out.

Friday, May 6, 2011

CST Testing Reflection

What had I feel about the CST testing? I have feel like it was going to be a long time and it was going to take for every but it did. I am happy for what I did on the test on I feel like I did a really good job even though I did want to take it but I still management to take it. When I did really did want to take but I still did because I did not want to make it up on Friday. So when I was done taking the test I just feel like I just got all the stress off my back.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

San Diego County Third-Person Paragraph

What do people most do at the beach? Most people do at the beach is the many lay out or they hangout with there friends or family. Or they many play games in the sand they have lunch at the beach. So time they kids will go to the water with there toys and start make thing out of the sand. So time they many walk on the board or ride there bike or they might be run with there dog. They there might place to eat people will sit where they can have a good look at the beach where the sun set over the water.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Comment-Seeking Post

I'm going to write about the drama on campus , There's so much drama on this campus it's really unbelievable because people will believe anyone that says anything to try and cause conflict.Then when it comes down to the point where the people will run off and confront another peer. Then students start to fight and there's no point until they found out that it was not true because they believe anything that a person would say to stir up something causing others to be exposed.And the things that they would argue about is the most ridiculous things on earth such as, a BOY , or he say she say stuff.And anyone that has been in a situation like this should be the bigger person and walk away , it does not mean your a punk for doing this you're just doing the right thing to keep yourself out on unnecessary DRAMA.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Campus Life Third-Person Paragraph

In the morning I will have a hard time getting up so then I look at my phone and see the time. Then I will get up and look at my clothes to see what I am going to wear.Then after that I will go to my living and see how in the house then I will go back in my room. Then I go to my bathroom and more ready in there then me and my house don't really see much of each other until we get home from school.Then when we come home we had to sit and leased to our house SW for 15 mints. Then after that my staff start making dinner.Then we sit at the table for 10 mints after then then we wait for study hour. Then lunch time we go eat and wait in line for our food.