Monday, November 14, 2011

The Storyteller" Before You Read: Memorable Books from My Childhood

1.Stellaluna bye Janell Cannon is about a bat is try to found it mother.
2. The giving tree Shel Silverstein A little boy found a tree and start hang out with it.
3. The very hurry Caterpillar bye Eric Carle’s it about bu that go through step and t became a butterfly.
4. The true story of the three little pigs bye Alexander T. It about a wolf who go and try to eat the little pigs and try to blow there house down
5.The Polar Express David O'Connor Is about these kids going on a train somewhere they don't know and they meet these guy. And so they flowed him around.

My favorite books is the polar express. Because when I was younger my mom read to me every year before Christmas and I really though it was coming true when I went on the train.

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