Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Portfolio - Improvement

Over the past two years, I have improved my reading, writing and speaking skills. Before high school, I wasn’t able to understand what I was reading very well. Now, I am able to understand and verify the context and use context clues to understand what I am reading. I improve these skills by practicing and getting help. I practiced by reading out loud to myself. My speaking skills weren’t that good. I wasn’t really able to speak English. I had to learn a different language and that didn’t help my schooling. I had improved where I can spell words and put things together. Before high school, I wasn’t able to work well in group. I didn’t do any school work or anything that involved turning it work. Now, I am turning my work on sometimes and I know who to ask for help when I need it. I am always checking if I have done my homework. I have improved where I am turning assignments and always asking for help. I check my work to see if I turned it in. I will have someone check it over for me and help me. My technology skill before high school were a little bad than there are now. As long my as teacher helps I think it will get much better. It will help me for when I move on to college and it will help me in life. I will improve spelling things out and I will take time to write it out. The next two years I will take everything that I learned in school and it will help me to move on with my life. It will help me talk to people and help me to write papers. It will help me in life because the wrong grammar can’t help you with anything and won't get you anywhere.


  1. That sound good I also improved in those thing in the last two years.

  2. Would you have gotten better because of a teacher or by yourself, thoose are two good things to improve on.
