Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“The Skull and the Arrow” In the Cave

If I have badly beaten an I have found a cave: I would try to find some animal so that I can shave them and try to make clothes out of that.Then when I am done I would try to make a fire so then I will take the meat out of the animal so I can eat. then I would start to hung up my clothes on the tree and clean up my area so if so one come to look around it dose not look like some one there. Then I will start walk to find some water and find some where else to stay at. Then when I found some where to stay at then I will go out and try to find some food to eat. Then I will try to go on a hike to from a closet town so then I stay there find some clothes and some where I can stay to live and have warm blankets.

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